This workshop aims to create a collaborative space in which we will discuss feminist, queer, and transgender approaches to literature and culture. This year, we will act as reading group, publication workshop, and pedagogy/praxis collective. As we interrogate the ways that differences of gender and sexuality are imagined and used to create meaning, whether oppressive or liberatory, we will consider how these differences intersect with those of class, race, ethnicity, ability, and nationality. Some questions that shall guide our reflections on our research, teaching, and praxis include the following: How are constructions of gender and sexuality used to sustain white supremacy, a patriarchal and racist set of beliefs and institutions? How are they used to drive neoliberalism, with its economization of all domains of life? And, crucially, what are the possibilities for resisting these historical processes to create more inclusive, democratic worlds? We invite interested graduate students and faculty to participate.
Thursday, Sept. 28, 4:30-6:00 pm: Inaugural meeting and discussion of Sara Ahmed’s Living a Feminist Life