49 Abbot Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824
The DRN is proud to showcase four MSU faculty members who will share current and evolving work. Faculty will present a 5-7 minute flash talk for the purposes of gathering your constructive feedback and discussion in a supportive environment.
The Share Out! will take place Friday, November 30, 2018 from 12:00 – 2:30 pm at the MSU Union, Mosaic Center Conference Room. Lunch will begin at 12 noon and flash talks will take place between 12:30 – 2:00 pm. The remainder of the time will be used for broad discussion and research networking.
Flash presenters & titles for this session are:
Vicki Lawrence-Johnson – Community Health, Health Equity, and Resilience to Stress: Promoting Population Health Over the Life Course in Vulnerable Communities
Julian Chambliss – The 100: Who Are the Greatest Black Comic Book Characters
Rocio Quispe-Agnoli – Gendering the Social History of Peru: Indigenous and Mestizo Women’s Testaments (1550-1810)
Jennifer Cobbina – Community Response and Policing in Ferguson