Thinking About Your Digital Presence

Thinking About Your Digital Presence

Event: “Thinking About Your Digital Presence”
Speaker: Dr. Sandra Deshors, Second Language Studies
Date and time: Friday, October 30 from 1:00PM – 2:00PM

Description: This will be a relatively informal discussion designed to help students within the field of Applied Linguistics to think about their professional digital presence. The session will focus on essential elements that are good to include in a professional website, how to make sense of visitor data analytics, which web hosting sites (e.g., MSU Domains, Word Press, Google Sites, etc.) to consider, and how to modify a Google Site with HTML to customize the look of the page.

What Can I Get Out of This Session?
For MA TESOL students, this could be a place where you think about creating a practitioner’s skill showcase space to share with protentional employers when you go on the job market in the next year or two. It can also be a place to start a resource page for language teaching practitioners. For SLS students in year 1, this is a perfect opportunity to think about laying the groundwork for a professional website that gets your name circulating within the field. For SLS students in years 2 and beyond, this is a chance to tweak and polish your site, or even augment your digital presence, which is helpful for any internships or jobs you may be applying for in spring 2021. Of course, all students, no matter the program affiliation, can pick up some ideas on how to ensure a professional-looking site where conference attendees who come to your presentation at professional conferences can go to learn more about you and your work.

There is no fee to attend this event. Digital copies of materials used during the session will be distributed after the meeting, and the session will be recorded for those who cannot attend or who would like to revisit the discussion. If you already have a professional website in the making, you may be invited to share your screen to demonstrate how you curate your digital presence.

If you have questions about this event, contact Monique Yoder via email:

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